Website Editing
Although I am still working on keeping up our social media presence, I have largely been focusing on my ‘20 Gin Bars in Birmingham’ book project. What I love about this is that I have been able to bring one of my interests to the internship, so I can use my own knowledge as well as the research, which I have had lots of fun doing.
Having worked out a structure of a little bit of information about each place, along with opening hours, address and relative cost, I started filling this in for each of my 20 (now 19 because one of them is actually in Lichfield) gin bars. I was a bit worried that I didn’t have enough information for each bar but that I wouldn’t fit any more on an A5 page. We were able to work out a solution to just write the draft and then we can edit it down afterwards, so I am now going back to add some more detailed information about the kinds of gins that are served at each establishment.
I am now working on using CARTO to create a map of these bars to put in the front of the book. This should be helpful for tourist use of the book.
I’ve been without internet for two days this week so I had to get creative in how I worked! I asked friends and family about their experiences of gin in Birmingham and brainstormed ideas for social media plans. Unfortunately, I now have to type it all up!
Social media-wise, I am planning to create a series of graphics celebrating Birmingham museums. Sadly, we have seen on Twitter this week that many of them, including the Museums’ Trust, are struggling from a lack of government funding and a decline in revenue. I hope we can use our platform to garner some extra support for them, and raise some awareness of the issues that these places are facing. I have also been able to have training in using Squarespace, which I enjoyed. I am very glad that I understand how websites are put together a bit more now, and I hope to have some more training on that later on in my internship.
Instagram graphics created for the publication of blogs