A Very Busy Week

This week, I found that I was beginning to fall behind a little bit in my work because I had lots of little projects going on alongside content writing for my gin bar guidebook. However, I had plenty of support from Wei and we managed to finish the draft of my guidebook, which was difficult as I kept finding out more information to include! Birmingham has such a fascinating history when it comes to gin-distilling, but unfortunately I only have so many pages to fill. I will begin to edit this next week once I have had a few days away from it so that I can hopefully spot any mistakes. 

I have also been helping Wei work on potentially filming vlogs for our intern projects. I have been working on a plan and some scripts to send to a potential partner for filming and been in contact with this partner to work out provisional costs etc. It has been great having this extra bit of responsibility for the work that I have been doing. It also helps me to spot any inconsistencies that just reading the draft guidebook might not. 

My biggest project now will be to be in contact with bars, churches and local businesses asking them whether they would like to participate in our giveaway campaign. I have been busy finding email addresses for everyone that we need to contact and I have sent over 50 emails! This week, I will be emailing more places now that I have lists from Harriet and Lydia as to their own projects, and hopefully we will be able to use this campaign to engage with local culture and businesses and show them the work that we are preparing to do now that lockdown is coming to an end. 

Finally, I have been working on communicating with the University of Birmingham’s Global Alumni groups. Unfortunately, this has proved to be my most difficult task and their members are clearly very busy and understandably there has been little communication between us so far, but I am confident that we can build relationships with former students and get them interested in the work that we are doing at Weipoint. I am looking forward to hopefully tying up a few loose ends this week and focusing on social media, as this was unfortunately neglected this week whilst I finished the draft of my booklet and helped Wei and Chen (our Marketing Director) to finish the Sutton Coldfield draft.


Leisure Activites

