Hi, I’m Charlotte!
With a solid understanding of Weipoint’s current social media presence and what they (and I) hope to get out of my work, I have been able to start with scheduling posts and working out what the plan will be, over the next few weeks. I’ve looked through what we achieved last week and used that to work out what I want to get done this week. I started a bank of ideas on what we could do to improve our social media presence that I’m dipping into now that we’ve got going.
I have enjoyed trying out different designs for Instagram graphics and I look forward to a bit of training tomorrow - it’s a lot of pressure keeping up the brand when I post! I’ve been trying to keep up with posting at least once a day and varying it up, but it’s been difficult to focus on just one thing with so many bits and pieces going on.
Definitely the most challenging part so far is to spread out my workload. Social media management is a constant thing and, balancing other work, it can be difficult not to do a few days worth of work in one. Spreading out the work makes it more manageable and lets me be fresher in my approach every day.
What I am most excited about is my side project on the unique gin bars of Birmingham. Dining is a big part of Birmingham’s tourist attraction and supports local culture, which is something that, as an arts student, I want to be more involved in. I haven’t had too much time to get on with this in the last week with the audit and getting started at the company, but hopefully I should be able to get this going properly in the next few weeks and collaborate with Wei to see if it can be written up into a booklet.
Pictured is my first attempt at making a graphics card!